Preparing Your VW Van for Winter.
Posted on October 31 2022

As the Winter starts to pull in and we look forward to darker nights, log fires and a mug of cocoa here at Rugs for Bugs HQ. Thoughts turn to preparing your van for the Winter. Unless you are lucky enough or brave enough to get away over Xmas , many of you, like us, will be looking to put our vans away over the harsh Winter months.
We have developed a little guide for you to make sure that you cover all the bases and when you come to get your VW Van on the road again, everything is in perfect working order and ready for new adventures.
Firstly, it is important to know if your van will be under cover for Winter or left out in the elements?
If it is under cover in a garage, carport or barn/out building - great news, it will be well protected from harsh frosts, extreme weather and also be easier to maintain, maybe tweak ready for the new season.
If you can afford it, a vehicle cover is a great investment for the Winter. There are breathable covers to suit most vehicles
If your van is going to be left out, not only do you need to make sure that maintenance is carried out beforehand but it is also an ideal time for you to get some of those little touches for your van - things like new rugs or new mats can be replaced over the Winter - we can help you there!
Alternatively it might be time to get some of those niggly little jobs done on the van - lining fixes, soundproofing or maybe some carpet needs replacing?
Don’t forget we have a passion for all things VW and we can make your VW Van, Caravelle, Beetle, golf or buggy unique to you with our handcrafted embroidered rugs, mats and seat belt covers.
If you are ready to put your bug to bed for the Winter here are our top 10 tips;
- Check fluid levels and make sure everything is full.
- Make sure you have antifreeze in the coolant system.
- Check tyre tread and condition - great time to check the spare tyre condition too.
- Put the vehicle on axle stands over the winter to prevent flat spotting the tyres
- Check battery terminals for corrosion.
- Add a trickle charger to the main and leisure batteries.
- Check the air filters and replace if necessary.
- Wiper blades and washer fluid working properly with anti freezing agents too.
- Ideal time to take stock and ensure your brake pads are all good.
- Do a check of all light bulbs, internal and external.
Bonus tip! Have a look internally at carpets, rugs and mats - any need replacing?
We would love to hear your tips too for Winterizing your VW - post pictures of your vans wrapped up and safe for the winter on Instagram and tag us @rugsforbugs or use thew hashtag #rugsforbugs